Dinner and Discussion

Dinner and Discussion

We meet on the last Friday of every month to prepare a meal together. After we eat, we have a discussion on various topics. This is an open forum for anyone with questions about subjects such as current cultural issues, difficult scriptures or doctrines, apologetics, and more.

Fides quaerens intellectum—“Faith Seeking Understanding.” Augustine believed that knowledge of God comes before faith in Him, but faith in God brings a constant desire for deeper understanding. Put simply, Christians earnestly seek to understand what they believe. This is the heart of our gathering—to grow deeper in our understanding and to create a space where we are not afraid to ask difficult questions.

We usually start cooking around 7:00 PM, and we love for everyone to be involved in the process. However, you are welcome to join us at any time during the evening. Our gatherings typically run from 7:00 to 10:00 PM. We ask that everyone be willing to bring food to this gathering.


McGaughy Home: 12508 Monaghan Trail Austin

Chao Home: 6280 McNeil Dr Austin

Call PJ with any questions.  512-762-0322